Friday, August 4, 2006

Mission Accomplished

We want to thank you for all of your prayers and love that have been directed toward Ray during this difficult diagnosis. It is our belief that those prayers were the wind that kept Ray afloat and able to fulfill our goal: to live life fully and embrace the journey. Wednesday morning, August 2nd, he was on the radio, came home, met Tieku who brought him one of the locks of his hair that traveled to Ghana, enjoyed the day fully, and began his lift-off preparation around 7 PM. Then 24 hours later with very little pain and discomfort, our dream came true: death came in like a gentle wave and Ray rode it out smiling, knowing there was a spot in the circle of warriors waiting for him on the other side. He wanted me to remind you that if you need him or his wisdom, it is now more accessible to you.

The celebration of Ray's life is being planned for Saturday, September 23rd, 11 AM, close to home. Details will be forthcoming.

Love, light and laughter, Noe


Anonymous said...

Dear Noe, right now i FEEL SO sad and yet, how wonderful that you both partook in Ray's departure.   You describe his death as such a beautiful and peaceful transition.  It should happen to everyone that way.  What a beautiful man, whose voice alone made me feel so welcome and he always greeted me with such warmth.  I wish I could have spent more time with him and known him more although he made me feel like such a close friend. I will always remember him as one who touched my life in those few times we spoke and spent with each other.  I am so happy that you freed yourself from yourself to be able to have him as part of your life .  A beautiful love story as I knew of your toleration of your unhappiness and then how bravely you acted on your own behalf, separated ties, and , of course, all parties benefitted.  A great lesson.    How lucky I was to have called and have been able to have spoken to him for a bit recently.  However, I really knew in my heart I would see him in the fall - He  immediately said so expansively, "WELL, YOU ARE STAYING RIGHT HERE WHEN YOU COME!!!!"  hOWEVER, I was wrong and my disappointment is assuaged only by the the way that he departed the way he wanted to  without the suffering that at this time, staying here on theplanet would have led to.  Take care,my Noe.  I love you. And how wonderful that you shared all this with those you love.  Love, Joe

Anonymous said...

Dear Noe and family,

I am holding you up to the light. Peacful thoughts and prayers come to you to with my love.  May the love that you and Ray so freely give surround you in this time of transition.

Thank you for sharing this magnifcent journey with your circle of love.

Love, Kiki

Anonymous said...

Noerena, it's difficult to think of what to say....just that I love you.  I only spent a short amount of time with Ray, but I wil never forget his beauty.  Such a beautiful man.  I'm here for you and you are with me always.

See you soon,