Monday, July 17, 2006

July 17 update

Good news! Mr. Whitfield has continued to exceed all expectations and break timeline records, and his quality of life is great! As evident in the attached pictures, Ray has continued to practice his lifelong avocation of photography. It is truly a team effort: Noe designs the garden (with help from Sylvia and Matt!) and Ray takes the pictures with the help of Chelsea's tripod.  (Thanks, everyone!)

N.B. Don't miss this Thursday's live broadcast of Ray's one-hour criminal justice special: Crossroads: Where Criminal and Social Justice Meet. 11 AM, July 20th.

Ray was well enough last week to journey into Maryland with sister-in-law Sandy and Noe at the outdoor cafe with a European feel right here in Silver Spring!

Noe and Ray thank Helen, our dear friend and chronicler, for the ongoing updates.

Sunday, July 2, 2006

July 1st Update

The past few weeks have been full of visits from friends and family, including a "spontaneous" open-house where 65 people came to get and give hugs to Ray. We are considering installing a revolving door on the front so that people don't bump into each other as they come and go!


We celebrated Ray’s final radiation treatment. Staff at the hospital were particularly happy because the journey for our Urban Warrior has been smooth sailing … he continues to break expectations as he walks through this experience displaying very few side effects. The man is truly a warrior and all of us who are watching this closely continue to use the word miracle to describe his ability to remain positive and fully active in his personal and professional worlds.


One of the attached pictures is Ray at our favorite radio station, WPFW 89.3 FM, one of the Pacifica Stations. The station is member owned and in DC, covers current events and plays powerful music including what we call American Classical Music: Jazz.

Ray has been producing public interest shows for WPFW for over twenty five years, his first series was called INSIDE OUT, a prison reform talk show format for inmates to call in to the station.


Recently he developed and produced CrossRoads: Where Criminal and Social Justice Meet, an hour long public interest monthly series focusing on issues of public safety and justice.


Thanks for your continued love, support and positive vibrations.  Keep 'em coming!

Love, Noe