Monday, July 17, 2006

July 17 update

Good news! Mr. Whitfield has continued to exceed all expectations and break timeline records, and his quality of life is great! As evident in the attached pictures, Ray has continued to practice his lifelong avocation of photography. It is truly a team effort: Noe designs the garden (with help from Sylvia and Matt!) and Ray takes the pictures with the help of Chelsea's tripod.  (Thanks, everyone!)

N.B. Don't miss this Thursday's live broadcast of Ray's one-hour criminal justice special: Crossroads: Where Criminal and Social Justice Meet. 11 AM, July 20th.

Ray was well enough last week to journey into Maryland with sister-in-law Sandy and Noe at the outdoor cafe with a European feel right here in Silver Spring!

Noe and Ray thank Helen, our dear friend and chronicler, for the ongoing updates.


Anonymous said...

To the inspiring ones who have graced my life with your presence! Ray & Noerena, I think about you daily…several times, in fact…and the thoughts that don't subside, that grow with each update, each picture, every word, is the love and kindness you have for each other and the respect and honor that is so apparent between the two of you.  What a gift it is to see into that beautiful world of yours!  Thank you for sharing this with all of us.  I adore you both!

Love, Love, Love!
Jenny Dodd

Anonymous said...

Dear Ray and Noe, thanks so much for betting all this information to me.  I've just read it all up to date.    I'm so happy that this quality of life is continuing and that all the treatments have been positive.  I know that attitude also has a lot to do with it and I'm so glad that you both continue to enjoy so many things.  I've missed the broadcasts as I didn't get all this material til too late.  Thank you Ray for making this journey public to us as we all need to interact and we all benefit so much from you.   Keep it up, as they say!!!!!! XXXXXXX Sandy told me of the wonderful trip she had.  Take care, Much Lovexxxxxx Joe Sicari